NuVoodoo Webinar 1: Last Chance – Smart Speakers and Smart Marketing

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The final webcast of our webinar, Smart Speakers and Smart Marketing, is on Monday, March 4 at 11 AM Eastern/8 AM Pacific. Register at In addition to Smart Speakers, this episode will give you the latest information on advertising channels (including Social Media), marketing messages and marketing tactics. Our data always puts likely ratings respondents front and center. You’ll get all the pertinent information in just 30 minutes.

We enjoyed seeing that P1’s for spoken word formats are more likely to pay attention to ads on the radio than consumers in general. Spoken word listeners tend to lean in to the programming on stations, so it makes sense that they notice the ads as well. But not NPR P1’s. After all, those P1’s don’t think of the underwriting announcements on NPR as ads. In the webinar, we’ll show you breakouts for music radio P1’s, ratings susceptibles and more (as well as another half dozen ad channels not shown here).

Meanwhile, we’re putting in the finishing touches on the second webinar in our series, the NuVoodoo 2019 Contesting Guide. This webinar will also deliver fresh data from our most recent Ratings Prospects Study fielded in January. But this time, we’ll be drilling down on contest prizes, contest mechanisms, the information to ask for in contest entries and perceptions that radio station contests are fake.

Along with 100% actionable contest insights, we take a crack at looking for radio positioning ideas to bring listeners together – beyond describing what’s in our playlist. And we’ll dive into the latest data on music discovery. It’s still a huge opportunity for stations to gain a competitive edge. Complete details coming next week.