NuVoodoo Offers Free Webinar This Wednesday Sharing Latest Findings of its June Ratings Prospects Study XVI and Insights for Marketing Brands During Uncertain Times


CINCINNATI, OH, July 6, 2020– NuVoodoo Media Services, a data-driven media marketing, programming and content intelligence provider, announces that it is offering a free webinar this week, “Marketing in the New Abnormal”. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 1:00pm Eastern, and will share the latest findings of its Ratings Prospects Study XVI and important insights for marketing radio brands during uncertain times. With over 3,700 radio listeners, ages 14-54, across all PPM markets interviewed in late June 2020, respondents revealed that they most rely on Facebook and YouTube to stay informed, with local radio news stations ranked in the mid-tier along with local newspapers. However, the study found that there were notable differences between radio listeners in general and the smaller group inclined to participate in radio ratings. Register for the webinar at:

In Ratings Prospects Study XVI, NuVoodoo asked study participants to name their top sources for news. Respondents were encouraged to choose from a list of more than twenty national and local information platforms and brands. Participants were prompted to name all information sources they use to stay regularly informed. Facebook and YouTube topped the list for the respondent group overall, with Gen Z naming Facebook-owned Instagram and Google-owned YouTube the most. Facebook ranked first for both Millennials and Gen Xers. Older respondents were more apt to name traditional news outlets like cable and network news more frequently than the younger end of the participant spectrum.

Carolyn Gilbert, President, NuVoodoo Media Services, said: “Despite the growing advertiser boycott in response to Facebook’s controversial decision to let organic content spread without a system of fact verification in place, our findings remind us just how powerful an influence the entire Facebook ecosystem (they own Instagram) has with a significant percentage of the country. Its ability to shape and influence public opinion is immense.”

NuVoodoo further asked study participants how different COVID-19 advertising strategies might impact their usage of a business being advertised. For example, how would a business advertising a “No-Mask” policy as a stand against interfering with personal freedoms resonate with consumers? A plurality of females would stay away from businesses advertising such a policy, but a significant percentage of adult males – and about half the men 35-44 – interviewed say they would be attracted to a “No-Mask” policy.

Gilbert noted: “The resurgence of COVID-19 was in the middle of its upward trajectory when we fielded this study in late June. That’s why we are also tracking COVID-19 related perceptions on an ongoing basis, as public opinion is constantly shifting in reaction to the constantly evolving news cycle.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION, visit: or contact Carolyn Gilbert, President, NuVoodoo Media Services, at: or at 888.9VooDoo (888.986.6366).

Register for Wednesday’s webinar at:

About NuVoodoo Media Services

NuVoodoo Media Services provides data-driven digital, social and direct marketing and programming and content intelligence to the radio, television, newspaper, music and retail industries through innovative new research and marketing products and services that give clients a winning edge. NuVoodoo also provides customized and proprietary web-based research designed to connect music lovers with the music they love most. NuVoodoo Founder and President, Carolyn Gilbert, has been the radio industry’s foremost research strategist for more than 30 years. NuVoodoo brings fresh thinking and lower costs to media research, including a budget-friendly barter for services model. A “virtual” company, attracting the best people from all over, NuVoodoo has offices in Cincinnati, Austin, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Middletown, OH. More information may be found by visiting

MEDIA CONTACT: Lisa Dollinger, Dollinger Strategic Communication for NuVoodoo Media Services, 512.633.4084,