Marketing for Radio
We help radio stations play the Nielsen game.
Back in the Arbitron world, expensive billboards and TV were go-to tactics for playing the ratings game. In the current Nielsen world, NuVoodoo leverages cutting edge digital tactics and big data to deliver big results to our clients.

Unlike other radio industry marketing partners, NuVoodoo's research expertise assures every marketing tactic we deploy is supported by our ongoing media studies.
Zip Code Extrapolations
It all starts with reaching likely listeners in zip codes where the meters are or the diaries fall. In PPM markets, NuVoodoo helps clients determine where the meters are today -- not last quarter!
Focus on At-Work/Work-From-Home
Our research confirms it: Listeners who agree to participate in ratings spend more time with radio while working. Since March 2020, "work life" has gotten flipped upside down. While many have returned to "normal" in-office work, a large number have decided to continue working from home. Regardless of where they work, NuVoodoo has programs that locate them, from workplace calling programs, to multiple waves of targeted prospecting emails, to digital out-of-home billboards and urban panels, each designed to support promotions tailored to weekday prime dayparts.
Personalized Direct Mail
Surgical direct mail remains the most engaging tactic for capturing the attention of Nielsen-friendly radio listeners. Direct mail ranks ahead of television, outdoor, social and other digital marketing tactics with Nielsen prospects, and it makes sense why: panelists are recruited through their mailbox. And, personalization lifts response rate even further.
The Facebook Ecosystem - Including Instagram and the Audience Network
In the digital media jungle, Facebook remains king. According to our latest tracking study, 8 in 10 use Facebook at least weekly, and for those likely to accept a diary or meter, the number is even higher. NuVoodoo deploys Facebook video and display media as a foundational digital tactic for clients. And since Facebook's ecosystem includes Instagram and the Audience Network, campaign reach is substantial.
YouTube, Twitter & Other High-Testing Social Media Platforms
The more one uses social media, the more likely one is to be part of a ratings panel or to accept a diary. Through our ongoing research we're able to determine the most ubiquitous social media platforms. With social media, we can target by music taste or subject interest--and market to fans of competing talent and stations!
Programmatic Mobile Media Buying
90% of radio listeners have smartphones. The most survey friendly among them consume digital content for more than 4 hours a day. NuVoodoo places programmatic video and display campaigns on dozens of mobile networks so that your marketing reach is extensive. Whether targeting hot zips or your competitions festival, we put the geo-precision of mobile marketing to use in a highly efficient manor.
Connected TV/Over-the-Top (CTV/OTT)
Reach your audience on everything from Smart TVs to their phones, before content or during traditional commercial breaks. Unlike traditional TV, where you're buying shows, channels or networks hoping that the person on the receiving end fits your target demo, CTV/OTT focuses on the "who" rather than the "where," so it doesn't matter if they're watching The Walking Dead or My Little Pony; if they fit the targeting, we will go find them.
Digital Out-of-Home
The Out-of-Home industry has evolved dramatically and embraced solutions that make it easier to buy and integrate with other channels. Much like programmatic digital display & video, DOOH provides a flexible, cost-efficient way of advertising on premium digital locations, from billboards and transit shelters, to gyms and malls. And, it becomes even more powerful when we geofence every location and retarget people that pass through it and match your targeting with your message for added frequency.
And More
From GeoConquesting competitor events, to paid search on Google and its search partners, to matching IP addresses to physical locations and displaying your digital ad only to those target households, the list of ways we can directly target your listeners is long and gives us a chance to make tailored recommendations for your exact situation.
Let us show you how our data-driven, modern marketing approach can help you build a stronger brand that listeners love. We'll help you save real money and get better results.
Because the Old Voodoo Doesn't Work Anymore.
Ready to find out more?
No matter what industry you're in, NuVoodoo has the capabilities you need to move the needle. Contact us today for a custom marketing plan for your business.