Media Research

Here’s a concept:  In a world full of choices, how about we ask respondents about the people they care about most – THEM!  At a time that’s convenient for THEM!  In a place that’s comfortable for THEM!  That can help make them more amenable to helping YOU!



Online Music Research

Keep Track of Changing Opinions


Online Music Tests

Out with the old in with the new!


Perceptual Research

New research methods for new research

Online Music Research

When the old voodoo just isn’t performing well enough – or doesn’t work within your resources – you need NuVoodoo.  Your goal is to keep track of the changing opinions regarding newer music for your station to determine which music to expose most often, which to expose less often and which to avoid altogether.



Traditional callout (old voodoo) has gotten silly expensive and yields questionable results.  Declining participation from telephone respondents has forced prices for callout beyond the means of many radio stations.  Moreover, telephone samples completely miss consumers who don’t have conventional telephones, under-representing important segments of the population.  Vendors selling traditional callout research are asking stations to accept smaller samples, fewer reports and rolling together weeks of reporting to keep costs under control.  All of this compromises research integrity!

Services like Rate the Music are tempting for their near zero cost, but the results they yield are merely an online version of your old request line.  At best, those results steer your decisions by a fragment of your most active listeners who are inclined to give their opinions – and don’t represent the far larger segment of less active listeners – the listeners that can affect the ratings!  At worst, those results steer your decisions by infiltrators from your competitors or by self-interested parties from music promoters.

Using an online research panel sample, NuVoodoo Media Services will provide weekly music information on up to 40 songs, attaining strong sample sizes with screened consumers who meet your expectations.  With stronger participation from consumers responding to your music questions at a time that’s convenient to them with audio from their computer – and not through the phone – you get better information at a better price.



Instead of the “free,” opt-in and corruptible online sample acquisition, NuVoodoo takes the outbound approach that telephone facilitated for so many years, and pushes it into the new millennium by moving it on-line.  On-line cost efficiency + bona fide, outbound sample = real research instead of a request line on steroids.

So how do we find qualified respondents?

Active Panels

Many companies offer rewards for participation in research and other activities. Respondents are tracked, compensated and monitored.  These databases number in the millions and are accessible to us.  Respondents have no idea who the client is, what the expectation is or what the impact of their participation is. Additionally, in the old world, we called a phone number and got who we got. Using compensated respondents assures that we know who they are, where they are and how old they are. Many academic studies have shown that compensated and screened panels do not deviate in terms of tastes and preferences from the random, outbound samples of old.

Social Networks

Social Networks databases allow us to purchase access to our specific target.  Unlike old newspaper ads asking if you want to show up at a music test, since most potential database infiltrators are proud of where they work, we can deliberately screen out potential spoilers.

Respondent Counts

Because we’re recruiting respondents through multiple channels, your participant database is far larger, and changes far more often than traditional – and limited – callout database.

Because Nielsen no longer relies exclusively by outbound telephone, we are no longer constrained by that methodology.

Our respondents tend to take your research a little more seriously.  Because just like Nielsen’s respondents – and unlike callout or opt-in respondents – our respondents are compensated!

And we don’t game you with half samples for twice the money and call it “rolling.”  You get fresh sample with EVERY report.  At NuVoodoo, 100 people = 100 people, not 50 “rolled.”


Our online data collection engine allows for any scale, custom hooks and even extra questions.  It is not branded as your station – or even as radio.  We recommend collecting various media preferences so that it’s easy to create a questionnaire that doesn’t even say “radio.”  Just research. Conducted properly. Giving you timely and consistent answers.


Results of this type of screening and testing have been consistent, intuitive, and they replicate. Good, solid research to help you make the decisions you need to make with confidence, week after week.

Ready to find out more?



Online Music Tests

When the old voodoo just isn’t performing well enough – or doesn’t work within your resources – you need NuVoodoo. Your goal is to keep track of ever-changing music opinions so you can determine which music to expose most often, which to expose less often, and which to avoid altogether.

Traditional AMTs (old voodoo) have gotten silly expensive and yield questionable results. Declining participation from telephone respondents and general inflation have forced prices for AMTs beyond the means of many radio stations.


Instead of having telephone agents (who are incented per completion) screen through tired databases to find people who – “listen to OUR STATION … don’t you?” – NuVoodoo respondents are screened dispassionately by a computer with no quotas. You don’t qualify – you don’t get in. Period!


Qualified respondents are then sent to the music survey, where oral instructions are given, responses tested within the framework of the test and where they can take breaks at their own convenience and come back to continue right where they left off. It’s that simple and that much more effective.


NuVoodoo’s Online Platform Drives Better, More Credible Results.

Our platform allows us to do things online that cannot be done in person, and that give you better, more credible results:


  • Hooks are rotated so the first hundred no longer test better than the rest of the test.
  • All lists are rotated, meaning that one personality will test better than another because they do – not because they were first on the list.
  • We ask “test” questions to make sure they’re listening (audio instructing them to “check response 6 now.” You miss that one – you’re gone.
  • Perfect sampling – daily monitoring allows us to assure perfect listening, demographic and geographic distribution.
  • Besides audio, we can test video, morning shows, art … easily!
  • Longer hooks: Respondents give us answers when they recognize the song and can move forward, allowing those who are slower the time to make up their minds.
  • At THEIR convenience. People are much less inclined to go out for $50. The gas itself eats up half of it! But if they can sit at home in their pajamas and make some nice money listening to music they like anyway, it fits within the expectations of today’s consumer. You get better results if they’re more comfortable!

Perceptual Research

It’s time to change the game we’ve been playing in programming and research for the last 30 years. Today, you need programming that will bring in consumers because it’s more compelling, more interesting, and more relevant than any other option. Research needs to focus on the benefits that listeners get from using radio and not just the attributes of one station compared to another.

NuVoodoo can ask more questions in a 20-minute online interview than our competitors can in a half hour on the phone – increasing the information we collect, while reducing respondent fatigue.

Additionally, we have greater flexibility in an online interview:

  • We can give respondents more choices because they can see the options, rather than having an interviewer reading them the choices.
  • We can get rich open-ended responses directly from the respondent – without a call center agent transcribing their responses.
  • We can play high-quality audio and show pictures or video.

Plus, online respondents are compensated for their participation, just like Nielsen Audio respondents, ensuring that we’re collecting opinions from the same pool of people who determine the fate of your station. Our experience using online samples means we know how to get a reliable, replicable sample every time.

NuVoodoo pores over the data like no other, interrogating the data to get answers to your questions and using any statistical method needed to get to the truth within the numbers.

We compose the findings into a crisp deck, thoughtfully displaying the relevant results, including the framework for an action plan. We’re always prepared to show all the sausage that went into the deck, but we know that the days of the all-day perceptual presentation ended long ago.


Consumer Insights

More People

More People

We've passed the tipping point: we now have access to a far greater portion of the population online than on the phone.

Better Sample

Better Sample

Instead of the “free,” opt-in (and corruptible) online sample approach, NuVoodoo uses ID verified online research panel sample gathered nationally and worldwide for large-scale consumer research.

Better Sources

Better Sources

We work with nearly 100 different online panel sample sources. These are the sources used for consumer research, like healthcare, pharma, consumer packaged goods, telecommunications, etc.

Complete Coverage

Complete Coverage

We ensure that we use sample providers who recruit portions of their respondent pools by starting from landline telephone – to make sure their voices are heard.

Big Positives

Big Positives

Online respondents are compensated for their opinions – we think that’s critical.  If we don’t take it seriously enough to pay for valuable opinions, why should respondents?

  • Related to today's sales environment

  • Substantial samples

  • Flexible subjects

  • Delivered daily, weekly or monthly

  • Responsive to the customer's needs

Qualitative research now

Sales research that responds to what's happening TODAY.

In a sales environment that's changing every day.

Things are changing fast

Current research is imperative in turbulent times

Listeners are still tuning in

Real time data reinforces media's value to advertisers

Consumer perceptions & interests

Which types of ads and advertisers will make the best impressions?

What types of purchases and activities are most interesting to your audience?

If you play it, they will commit to it

Radio listeners are more engaged with the ads they see and hear.

Establish consumer commitment with key advertisers.

Data can be customized nationally, regionally, or locally.

Custom current research

Ask ANY question to ANY respondent set.

Significant same size and fast turnaround time.

Provides actionable data.

In addition to age, geography, and gender, some of our research categories include...

  • Automotive

  • Current Events

  • Digital

  • Sports

  • Finance

  • Grocery

  • Health

  • Travel

  • Lifestyle

  • Media

  • Mobile

  • Politics

  • Property

  • Retail