Solutions for an Increasingly “Tracking-Free” Environment


Our latest video, part 2 in our series about the declination of individual online and mobile tracking and what it means for digital marketing campaigns today and in the future, will cut through the noise and bring you up to date in an efficient half-hour watch. It’s a 28-minute-deep-dive but worth your time. Watch here. Keep reading for a better understanding of the current reality and how & why it’s about to change.

To maximize the targeting efficiency and performance results of digital campaigns, we’ve relied on snippets of browser code to identify individual web surfing patterns. We’ve cross-referenced that data with household data available through the billing address held by each home internet provider. We have been able to geo-locate mobile phones and tablets through their unique device identifier and lock together “out-of-home” and “at-home” as discrete consumer ecosystems, enabling digital marketing “cross device”. We improve targeting precision through offline data matching to individual household members, such as with voter and tax records, credit bureau information, visits to other websites (so called second party data), credit card purchase history, Amazon “subscribe and saves,” census data, utility bills, Google browser history and what’s been “liked” or “retweeted” all into the mix.

“What don’t we know about individual consumers?” is the better question to ask! Need to reach a 30-something Mom with a child present in the home between the ages of 6 and 8, who gives to conservative causes, attends church, recently refinanced her home, drives a Mercedes, is paying off revolving credit card debt, watches awards shows on her Google tablet, enjoys cruises, and listens to adult contemporary radio during weekday morning drive time? We can help. That doesn’t even include what Alexa has been quietly recording about her home life.

Yup. Our path to marketing success has been the equivalent of letting the bloodhounds loose on the scent of a consumer who willingly smears digital fingerprints everywhere and makes tracking easy. Up ‘til now, at least.

Things are changing. The trend has shifted in favor of increased consumer privacy. Watch here to learn how we’re adjusting to the new targeting reality.

Apple dropped the first big bomb on the war for consumer privacy last month with a major update that transitioned tracking from “Opt Out’ to “Opt-In” Browser cookies and device ids are already harder to come by as a result. A combination of consumer privacy sensitivity, industry self-regulation to avoid government overreach regulation, and the emergence of ad tech innovation all conspire to move the digital advertising industry beyond its snooping centric invasion-of-consumer-privacy-as-policy.

Since we do this for a living, we MUST keep up with all of it. When you hire a strategic intelligence partner and managed-marketing-services provider like NuVoodoo, it’s not JUST about our time dedicated to conducting the marketing and targeting research, channel effectiveness studies, campaign set up, managing the budget, optimizing performance, providing metrics, and doing all the heavy lifting on your cross-channel custom advertising and market research plan. It’s our responsibility to stay ahead of “what’s next” so you don’t have to.

This video is part two in our series about overcoming the challenge in an increasingly less trackable world. It’s not a short video, but we think it’s worth your time. We’ve cut through the noise to bring you the bottom line. Take advantage of our leg work and work smart, not hard. When you’re ready for our help, let’s have an intelligent and well-informed conversation about workarounds for your advertising in the face of challenges brought about by an increasingly guarded US population. Watch Now