NuVoodoo’s B2B Marketing Playbook Part 3: Why Capturing a Prospect’s Email Address Is the Holy Grail for Digital Advertising Success

Email notification, woman hand on the computer laptop, one new inbox e mail message on the screen

In our previous article, we reviewed evidence from NuVoodoo’s 2024 media study that showed Business decision-maker’s strong inclination to share email contact information when offered access to valuable information, such as industry-specific white papers, webinars, and newsletters. This Free Sample of Smartness strategy and approach is a well-known driver of B2B relationships at the top of the relationship funnel. It’s a way for advertisers to build a reputation as a knowledgeable and competent potential business partner. However, there is a less well-known and incredibly powerful marketing benefit that digital advertisers can unlock as they grow a B2B email prospect and customer contact list.

The Power of Email in Digital Marketing Platforms

Capturing email addresses goes beyond simply giving B2B advertisers a direct line to potential decision-makers. It opens up a world of possibilities in digital marketing, especially on ad platforms that support the creation of custom or tailored audiences. Different platforms have their unique terminologies:

  • Facebook & TikTok: Custom Audiences
  • LinkedIn: Matched Audiences
  • Twitter: Tailored Audiences
  • Google/YouTube: Customer Match Lists
  • Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) via LiveRamp: Audience Matching for Programmatic Advertising.

These platforms allow marketers to upload lists of email addresses and use them to target specific groups with ads. Email addresses and other bits of contact information serve as a reliable identifier, much like location and activity tracking cookies and mobile IDs, which can be matched to accounts across social media and other platforms requiring log-in. While more data points can refine targeting, email alone is a robust tool for creating meaningful audience segments. This capability is particularly potent in B2B marketing, where identifying and reaching decision-makers through traditional targeting overlays is both expensive and less accurate.

Integrating with NuVoodoo’s ‘Free Samples of Smartness’ Strategy

NuVoodoo’s Free Samples of Smartness strategy for clients, which offers valuable thought leadership, fits perfectly into this ecosystem. By providing webinars, white papers, and educational content in exchange for email addresses, our clients not only establish authority and trust but also build a database of engaged potential clients. These email addresses become the foundation for creating tailored audiences across various digital platforms, especially when combined with other digital tracking and retargeting tactics.

Once we have a segmented email list, we can execute targeted campaigns across different channels and at all stages of the customer relationship cycle. For example:

  • (Awareness) Connected TV, In-Game, and Mobile App Ads: Reach decision-makers in more relaxed environments, increasing brand recall.
  • (Consideration) Email Marketing and Contextual Website Placements: Position content in relevant online spaces, enhancing engagement.
  • (Decision) LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Google Ads: Re-target professionals and business decision-makers actively seeking solutions.

The B2B Customer Journey Through the Relationship Funnel

The ability to match email addresses with specific audiences helps us deliver highly relevant content and offers on behalf of our clients.  When combined with location and content tracking, this precision targeting not only improves the efficiency of ad spend but also ensures that messages reach the right people at the right time. Here’s an example: 

NuVoodoo’s Five-Step Strategy for B2B Prospecting

  1. Awareness Stage: Use webinars and educational content to draw attention. These should focus on industry insights, trends, and solutions to common challenges. At this stage, the goal is to offer valuable knowledge that establishes our client’s brand as a thought leader.
  2. Interest Stage: Introduce white papers, research reports, or ebooks that delve deeper into subjects introduced in the webinars. These materials should be crafted to showcase expertise and the unique benefits of products or services, nudging potential clients toward considering what our client offers.

  3. Consideration Stage: This could be in the form of more detailed case studies, advanced webinars, or exclusive insights available only upon subscription. This is where to offer detailed product/capabilities overviews. This stage is about learning customer needs and deepening the relationship by providing increasingly personalized and transactional content, proving an underlying understanding of specific customer needs and challenges.

  4. Decision Stage: By this point, our client has built a data relationship funnel with potential decision-makers. This is where to use gathered data to offer personalized consultations, service agreements or product upsells. Tailored proposals or demos that address their specific business challenges can be influential in this stage. This is where sales are closed.

  5. Retention Stage: Our clients continue to engage with decision-makers through ongoing educational content, updates on industry trends, new product offers, and loyalty programs. The aim is to keep customers informed, and interested, ensuring your brand remains top-of-mind for future decisions and renewals. Every follow-up engagement is a chance to showcase the team’s commitment to a client’s success.

Throughout these stages, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between providing value and respecting privacy. This approach not only positions a brand as a valuable resource but also builds trust, which is essential in B2B relationships. By marketing and retargeting with insightful and relevant content, you’re not just capturing email addresses; you’re building a foundation for growing long-term business relationships.