
NuVoodoo's executive team regularly publishes thoughts, data, and analysis here and in media industry publications and trade magazines.

What Would You Like to Know?

By Leigh Jacobs

It’s that time of year again!  Maybe time to prepare the annual NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study isn’t marked on your calendar, but it’s on ours – and we’re eager to build new questionnaires to gather new insights and refresh our understanding of radio’s consumers.  One of the advantages in conducting interviews online is that we…

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Does Live & Local Really Matter?

By Leigh Jacobs

Experienced broadcasters know it intuitively – that music radio sounds better with a live human introducing the music and relating to the listener. As many times as talented producers are able to whip up cinematic audio magic in the studio, the simple act of a live human voice, communicating one-to-one with a listener often has…

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PD = Director of User Experience?

By Leigh Jacobs

What if we replaced the title “Program Director” with one borrowed from the online world, “Director of User Experience?”  Isn’t that what today’s PD’s really are anyway?  How many actually direct a program during their typical day? Imagine focusing on what users experience when they come or try to come to a radio station.  We…

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Make More Mistakes

By Leigh Jacobs

Nearly 50 years before fictional Jerry’s Maguire’s mission statement, The Things We Think and Do Not Say, the real-life Bill Bernbach, then creative director at Grey Advertising in New York, typed out a letter to his bosses at the agency. If you read Bernbach’s letter and make appropriate substitutions (including replacing “men” with “people” –…

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How Many People Have You Delighted Today?

By Leigh Jacobs

Last week we showed percentages of P1 constituencies from major music formats responding to whether their station had surprised them pleasantly with a song or something other than a song in the past week.  Overall, music radio stations are about half again more likely to have delighted listeners with a song than with something other…

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