
NuVoodoo's executive team regularly publishes thoughts, data, and analysis here and in media industry publications and trade magazines.

Moneyball: Past Research Has Answers for Evergreen Questions

By Leigh Jacobs

Preparing the questionnaire for NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study 24 this past week had us talking to programmers, managers, and group heads to hear what new questions they’d like us to ask listeners. We also put out the request for ideas in this space and thanks to many of you we’ve gotten some truly great ideas.…

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Moneyball: What Would You Ask a Big Sample of Radio Listeners?

By Leigh Jacobs

“Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.” Those words are typically attributed to Teddy Roosevelt, though Roosevelt himself credits it to Bill Widener. Nevertheless, those should be inspiring words if you’re running a radio station or a cluster of stations in a market today. You’re likely running those stations with fewer…

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Moneyball: Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

By Leigh Jacobs

NTR. Events. Concerts. Pop-ups. In 2024 radio is working hard for every dollar to try to offset the declines in spot revenue. For the right brand, station merchandise has tremendous upside when fans want to wear designs from favorite stations, beloved morning shows, revered hosts. Back in the day, stations gave away lots of merch…

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Pink piggy bank surrounded by falling flying American dollars cash money

Moneyball: Last-Minute Contest Guidelines

By Leigh Jacobs

If you’re considering a contest to impact the last month of the spring book, you’re likely working with a smaller budget than you may have in the past. To help get the biggest contest bang for the smallest outlay, we’re highlighting data on contesting from our last several NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects studies. Interest in $500…

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Moneyball: The Importance of Making Connections

By Leigh Jacobs

Many years ago, in an introductory college course on broadcast radio the professor laid out that the goal of commercial radio isn’t to build a large audience, the goal is to sell advertising. As the advertising landscape shifts toward highly targeted digital solutions, stations are turning to other revenue streams like events. It’s a natural…

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