NuVodooo's Webinar Series
There are millions of podcasts on Apple’s platform. The average podcast episode attracts only 27 listeners/viewers per episode (as of December 2021). Part 2 of our research presentation all about podcasting includes interviews with nearly 1,500 14 – 54-year-olds across the US. This video will help you optimize when your marketing goal is podcast discovery.…
Nielsen Audio rolled out its new wearables as meter replacements, which it plans to begin phasing into the ratings starting here in April 2022 in many PPM markets. New “wearables” homes are expected to be recruited to replace up to 75% of existing panelists carrying legacy PPM technology this year. On a client webinar held on…
We’re sharing the results o NuVoodoo’s First Quarter Digital Media Study, conducted with 3,298 nationwide respondents between the ages of 14 and 54. This includes just shy of 1,500 regular podcast listeners, who’ve indicated they listen at least once a week. This is the first in our two-part series all about Podcasting. We’ll show you…
In early February, Facebook took a big earnings hit, and its parent company Meta’s stock tanked!. It blamed Apple. Warning how that company’s recent security measures would cost $10 billion dollars in lost advertising in 2022. Facebook’s admission is the most concrete data point so far about Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature, and its impact…
Advancements in technology have given consumers access to streaming content, anywhere and at any time. The huge increase in appetite for audio content represents a massive opportunity for brands to connect with consumers. But successful advertising is always a function of reaching the right audience with enough message frequency to make a difference. That’s where…
We were excited to share the 19th NuVoodoo Ratings Prospect Study with the industry on February 16th. As in prior studies, we compared the typical radio listener to that rare person willing to participate in the Nielsen ratings. We covered a lot off ground, including: • How often listeners use streaming apps, from Spotify, Apple,…
To get you ready for our upcoming webinar here’s more sneak-peak data from our January Ratings Prospect Study. Watch this video to learn where the game is won & lost among working listeners likely to participate in the ratings. Then head over to to reserve your spot for our full presentation on February 16th.
We’re preparing to share the 19th NuVoodoo Ratings Prospect Study with the industry on February 16th at 1 PM EST, 10 AM PST. Go to to reserve your spot. Watch this preview to get a first look at our January data. The percentage of ratings prospects in our sample has remained remarkably consistent over…