NuVoodoo's executive team regularly publishes thoughts, data, and analysis here and in media industry publications and trade magazines.
You’ve seen the meme on Facebook concerning just about every occupation under the sun: “Being a [fill in occupation] is easy, it’s like riding a bike – except the bike is on fire, you’re on fire, everything is on fire and you’re in hell.” But, that sentiment certainly should have been written originally about being…
Read MoreGo back far enough in the history of music radio and you find deejays who picked the music on their shows. These were music-connected people first and entertainers second. To be sure, those who rose the highest were entertainers in their own right, but it was their connection to the music, their understanding of the…
Read MoreOne year ago we published this wish list for radio in 2015: News and talk stations that make people feel smarter Talk talent who make entertaining their primary mission Morning shows (and talent in other dayparts) who are legitimately, laugh-out-loud funny (we’ve got many, but we need many more) Non-duplicable content on all stations (taking…
Read MoreThe morning radio show. It’s what defines our medium for many people. Think about the portrayals of radio in movies and TV; it’s almost always a morning show. Too often it’s not even a flattering portrayal, but the fact remains that it’s what sticks out about the medium. The morning show is generally the daypart…
Read MoreInstagram has been climbing the ladder of relevance and popularity among radio listeners, especially that small subset predisposed to accept a PPM or a diary. While the digerati have been crowing about SnapChat and Vine and other portals gathering usage among younger consumers, our studies have shown that Instagram is the platform to watch. And…
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